Youth Figure Skating - Session Two (#122202)
Thursday, January 2-Saturday, March 1, 2025
Green Island Ice Arena
Registration Fee: $210; Registration w/ Resident Discount: $140
**Registration Deadline: Thursday, January 9, 2025**
Session Two is all about show preparation! Lessons will not be given in Session Two. All skaters will be broken into groups for show choreography. Each skater will take part in two numbers plus the closing line; borrowing a La Crosse Figure Skating Club costume for each routine to be returned before the end of the show. Each skater will be given a closing line sweatshirt to keep. Fee also includes flowers and raffle basket donation fee. Skaters MUST participate in session one in order to participate in session two.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Corry Marco, Off Ice Coordinator -